Invasive Species

Invasive Species Don’t Belong Here!

Invasive species are non-native plants, animals, insects or pathogens that negatively alter their new environments. Not all non-native species are considered invasive, they must cause negative environmental, economical and/or social impacts. Invasive species:

  • Often have been introduced by humans
  • May directly kill other species, introduce disease or hybridize with native species
  • Typically prefer disturbed habitats
  • Have high reproductive rates
  • Lack natural predators

Managing and removing invasive species is critical to protecting our watershed’s natural biodiversity and beauty.

How Did Invasive Species Get Here?

European settlers not only sought new homes, but brought things with them. This included invasive species, while some were because they wanted a reminder of home, others hitched a ride and were unintentionally introduced.

It still happens today! There are many ways we are still spreading invasive species.

  • Between lakes and rivers when boats and ships dump ballast water (used to balance ships in rough water) or when small critters including zebra mussels or aquatic plants hitch a ride on a recreational boats.
  • Anglers and the baitfish industry may dump unwanted bait into waterbodies.
  • Local nurseries may sell invasive plants that have not been regulated.
  • The importation of wood products or other shipping materials can bring unnoticed pests such as emerald ash borer or Asian long-horned beetle.
  • Seeds from invasive plants can get caught on hikers or bikers boots, clothing, and gear as they explore the outdoors.

Why Are We Concerned About Invasive Species?

The rapid spread of invasive species has become a major concern worldwide. From an ecological perspective, there is concern about:

  • The displacement of diverse native species
  • Impacts on species that rely on native plants for food, and habitat
  • Reduced genetic diversity

The loss of native species can be associated with financial losses.

Help Stop the Spread

Your pet goldfish or turtles don’t belong in the natural water bodies of our watershed. Yard waste can contain seeds of various species, some invasive, so do not dispose of your yard waste in natural areas or parks.

Keep to walking trails in natural areas. Invasive species can also ‘hitch a ride’ on recreational equipment (e.g. bicycles, personal watercraft, or ATVs), so be sure to clean equipment before moving between water bodies or natural areas.

Be aware of the risk of spreading forest pests such as the Asian long-horned beetle and the emerald ash borer when transporting wood. Don’t move wood into or out of quarantine zones.

Watercraft including boats, canoes and kayaks, and watercraft equipment are now regulated as carriers for invasive species under Ontario’s Invasive Species Act. Boaters are required to take the following steps before transporting a boat or boat equipment overland.

  • Remove or open drain plugs to allow water to drain from the boat or boat equipment
  • Take reasonable precautions to remove all mud, aquatic plants (weeds), animals and algae from any boat, boat equipment, vehicle or trailer

Learn more about the provincial regulation.

See frequently asked questions about boat washing.

Action on Invasive Species

See how your neighbours are taking action in the fight against invasive species.

The Dufferin Northern Peel Anglers and Hunters Association (DNPAHA) is a conservation association managing their woods and wetlands […]

Making a Difference Four years ago, Lee Anne Downey and her husband Tom Hitchman moved to their Erin […]

Photo Gallery

Invasive Species News

A Conservation Milestone Over the past 20 years, the agricultural landscape in the Peel Region has been transformed […]

Correction This edition of Countryside Stewardship Mail stated oak wilt, an invasive species, has been found in the […]

As a garden matures, some perennial plants (plants that return each year) will benefit from being divided. This […]

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